The aim of the current multidisciplinary research project is to control and optimize the growing conditions of agricultural products, to minimize the energy consumption and to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions.
The aim of the project was to increase the productivity of plants by optimizing environmental conditions in the greenhouse throughout the year. Moreover, the project has contributed to increasing sustainability by reducing energy consumption. Finally, the information obtained was widely disseminated to potential users, namely research students, farmers, professional associations and relevant ministries.
The ClimaGreen project contributed to the energy efficient use of the research greenhouse, while also improving the productivity of vegetable crops and greenhouse plants in general, in the conditions of Romania. The increase in energy efficiency was achieved by studying the possibilities of storing the thermal energy accumulated during summer for the purpose of its use in cold periods.
Temperature control in the greenhouse is absolutely necessary for achieving increased productivity. Other environmental conditions are equally influential, with relative humidity and CO2 concentration being two of the most important.